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Jack dropped his staff from his trembling hands, falling to his knees in defeat. Panting heavily, he glared at his enemy. He was too exhausted to continue to fight back, but he resented Pitch for being superior in their battle. The Guardian blamed himself for losing, for letting his rival take the very most precious thing he had away from him.

Pitch let out a long, loud cackle. Then, understatedly, he said, "I win."

The Nightmare prince stood by his side, golden eyes shining bright from behind the black hood he wore over his head. His princess stood to his other side, her stare less tolerant than the boy's. Pitch narrowed his gaze on her, aware of her tendency to contravene. She knew perfectly well what would happen if she tried to defy him.

"No…" she said simply, glancing at Jamie as half of their Nightmare army appeared beside him. Pitch took full notice of the dark horses, backing away as they advanced on him. They gathered around the two children. Cupcake finished, "We win."

Pitch cowered as the Nightmares charged forward, knowing what suffering fate awaited him.

End of Win

Author's Note: Based on the Disney Villain-Based Sentence Starters Tumblr post by reginathequeenofmean, "AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA… I win". Writing began and completed on 26 August 2014. I'm taking on this collection of thirty-five stories as a challenge to motivate me to finish writing past projects. Special thanks to warriroprincesscupcake, who shared the meme on her RP blog, which in turn inspired me to try this experiment.

Category: Movies » Rise of the Guardians 

Summary: With the Burgess children as his Nightmare princes and princesses, Pitch knew he won the war against the Guardians. Story Twenty-Five of The Capability of Wickedness collection.

Genre: Horror

Rating: K

Characters: Jack Frost, Pitch Black, Jamie Bennett, Cupcake

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Disclaimer: All characters, events, and material related to The Guardians of Childhood and Rise of the Guardians are owned by William Joyce and DreamWorks Animation. Currently looking for Cover Art commissions.

Warning: This story contains dark imagery. Please reconsider reading this story if you are sensitive to this type of content.

27 August 2014

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